Awana Starts in

Grace Fellowship Church
10201 W 127th St
Overland Park, KS 66213

(SE Corner of 127th & Switzer)

Because Kids Matter to God

Home Yearly Calendar (pdf) Grace Fellowship Church
  Sparks (K-2nd)
  T&T (3rd-5th)
  Trek (6th-8th)
  Journey (HS)
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  Linda Riddle
  Jim Riddle
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Frequently Asked Questions

    1. What Does Awana stand for?
    2. What are Dues and other fees for?
    3. Where does scholarship money come from?
    4. Are Awana leaders paid?
    5. Does surplus money go to the church?
    6. Can my child attend Awana if I don't go to this church?
    7. Can I try it out before I enroll?
    8. Can I stay and observe?
    9. Who can be a leader for my child?
    10. What is your child protection policy?
    11. How does Awana deal with discipline issues?

1. What Does "Awana" stand for?

    The word "Awana" is an acronym that stands for Approved Workmen Are Not Ashamed and comes from 2 Timothy 2:15. "Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth."

2. What are Dues and other fees for?

    We try to keep our expenses as low as possible, but unfortunately there are expenses we cannot avoid such as fees for books, teaching materials and awards. It is our goal to create a club where "all children will come to know, love, and serve the Lord Jesus Christ." With that in mind, we want to allow every child the opportunity to participate in our club, regardless of their family's financial situation. Scholarships are available through our church, and we would be happy to discuss this with you privately. Please don't hesitate to contact us if you are in need of a scholarship.

3. Where does scholarship money come from?

    Scholarships are provided by private donors that wish to remain anonymous. These are individuals from within our church that have a heart for young people.

4. Are Awana leaders paid?

    All our leaders including our commander are volunteers, without financial compensation. Leaders are here because they want to minister to your kids.

5. Does surplus money go to the church?

    No. No money goes to the church. In fact, Grace Fellowship contributes toward the expenses both directly and indirectly. If money is not used at the end of the Awana year, it will carry over to the following year.

6. Can my child attend Awana if I don't go to this church?

    Absolutely, any child is welcome to join at any time. We'd love to have your child attend.

7. Can I try it out before I enroll?

    Yes. Our only requirement is that you fill out a visitor card with your contact information. We need this to contact you in the event of an emergency.

8. Can I stay and observe?

    Yes. In fact, we would encourage you to stay and find out what we do at Awana. You're welcome to stay and observe, and listen in. However, we request that you not try to "help out" because anyone that works with children at Grace Fellowship must first fill out a volunteer application and submit to a confidential background check.

9. Who can be a leader for my child?

    Leaders are volunteers with a heart to serve children. They need to meet the following qualifications:
    1. A personal relationship with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
    2. A confidential background check that complies with our child protection policy

10. What is your child protection policy?

    The goal of our child protection policy is to create a safe and secure environment for children and youth to participate in programs at Grace Fellowship. A detailed copy of our child protection policy is available upon request at our church office.

11. How does Awana deal with discipline issues?

    Our goal at Grace Fellowship Awana is to make certain that rules are made clear to children and that there is freedom to have fun and excel within the guidelines that are in place. Awana uses the 3 count system when rules are broken.
    1. 1st offense = Warning (by any leader)
      Take child into hallway. Get down on the child's level and calmly explain what actions were innappropriate, and what behavior is expected during our club. Make certain that the child understands they have a 1-count and explain what will happen for 2nd and 3rd offense.
    2. 2nd offense = Warning (by Commander)
      Take the child to the Commander, and calmly explain what actions were innappropriate. Then explain what behavior is expected during our club. Make certain that the child understands they have a 2-count and explain what will happen upon a 3rd offense.
    3. 3rd offense = Dismissed from Club (by Commander)
      Bring child to commander. The commander will phone the parents, and ask the parents to come pick them up. Commander will have a brief meeting with the parents to explain the child's behavior and discuss what is expected of them when the child returns.

Because Kids Matter to God

Copyright © 2025